NanoLight introduces smallest light cases 12.04.2022

NanoLight introduces smallest light cases


How big is the difference between 3 and 13 kg? Or asked differently, is it important for a video producer if his light case is big and heavy or small and convenient? What a stupid question, you say. Yes, of course the difference is important. No one likes to carry heavy equipment. Especially if it is not essential.

Technical progress, especially the miniaturisation of LED light, is opening up new worlds. What is possible in this area is one of the main research projects of Thomas Nowara, managing director of SCHNITTPUNKT UG in Rheinbrohl. He has often accompanied significant developments in the industry. One example is the introduction of the iPhone for professional video production. SCHNITTPUNKT was the distributor for the first professional mount OWLE, the 35mm adapter, Schneider Optics adapters (all for the iPhone and all from the USA). These products could only be purchased in Europe exclusively from SCHNITTPUNKT.

Now Thomas has dedicated himself to the smallest professional light case. SCHNITTPUNKT also sells lighting products within its own brand Second Wave. These are built in China according to SCHNITTPUNKT\'s specifications under the consultation of TVN, Hanover, and distributed under the Second Wave brand.

Inspired by his Chinese partner, he brought a first 5 x 8 cm small light to Germany and tested it himself. Right at that time, he found another small LED light. This one, however, was three times as bright. He also brought this light to Europe for Second Wave. These products laid the foundation for new innovative lighting products. In combination with existing spotlights, which can also be operated completely with rechargeable batteries, a new world opens up.

Light cases weighing 2-5 kg are possible. Even the use of light in a different form, e.g. by using more light sources selectively, is conceivable. NanoLight, with 5x8x2 cm the smallest professional light, is BiColour, dimmable and has a very good diffuser. This makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. In addition to the professional area, it is best used as a light at the computer, as it does not cause any glare. But especially in the professional sector, it shows to the full extent how versatile it can be used.

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